Journey to the Center of Hope ® is a non profit organization that helps Veterans, their families and communities break the cycle of shame around mental illness by empowering people to dream, aspire, achieve and that there is still a lot of life and hope to experience. We are here to provide support and give them tools as an alternative way to help cope with PTSD through photography.
Our program is for Veterans, who are learning how to reintegrate back in to civilian life, how to cope with different emotions and mental health problems like PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
PTSD is a mental illness within the veteran population that are dealing with trauma. We researched how PTSD effects veterans returning from deployment and how that played a role in the family unit. Research shows that there are approximately 500,000 veterans in the state of Arizona with an estimated 27,000 in Mohave County.
Photography is a form of art improving the quality of life through a different lens and how it plays a role in helping veterans cope with PTSD.

The realty of PTSD is at an all-time high and has a potential for critical outcomes.
So to give a veteran an alternative tool, we developed free a six-week photography course teaching Veterans how to use a digital camera.
Journey's goal is to reach out to veterans in our community and give them alternative ways to help with PTSD. A veteran’s honor is that no one is left behind, and we want to convey the same. We want each veteran that comes through our door to know that they do not have to walk alone, we are here to walk beside them building relationships and making lifelong friends.
By putting a digital camera in a veteran's hands, they can communicate their story through their own lens. They will be able to walk out and express their emotions through photography.
After further research we found some of the key elements that had positive outcomes from photography:
Positive v. Negative
- Boost self esteem
- Build relationships
- Calmness
- Confidence
- Creativity
- Imagination
- Mission focused
- New feeling of accomplishment
- Perspective
- Reconnect to Society
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Isolation
- Frustration
- Low self esteem

PTSD Statistics
- 70% of US adults, or 223 million people, have experienced a traumatic event. Almost 20% of these go on to develop PTSD, or the population of California and New York combined.
- According to VA, experts estimate that up to 20% of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans, 10% of Gulf War veterans, and 30% of Vietnam War veterans have experienced PTSD.
- 1 out of 9 women develop PTSD (twice as likely as men)
- PTSD affects about 7.7 million American adults in a given year, though the disorder can develop at any age including childhood.
- Almost 50% of all outpatient mental health patients have PTSD.
- 17% of combat troops are women; 71% of female military personnel develop PTSD due to sexual assault within the ranks.*

Men and women who have fought for our country are struggling with finances, homelessness, and mental health problems while trying to integrate back into our communities and need our help. It is with great honor to do everything we can to be a part of the solution.
A study was done in 2020 showing that photography gives veterans hope which is critical in recovery. The veteran was able to see value, and without speaking, they used photography as a language, to document their own experiences, and were able to identify emotions through the photos they took.
Photography is known to capture the very essence of the person taking the photo and can change the persons outlook on life and help themselves and their families move forward with a new perspective.
Qualietti, S (2020)
We are excited you are here!
Let time stand still for just a moment and watch your memories come to life through pictures.
We have a place for you to come and attend a free six-week course where you as a veteran can learn a different art and how to express yourself and tell your story through photography.
You can stop by and visit or contact us by email, phone or our website.
If you would like to know more about our program or would like to donate please contact us at the number below.
Journey to the Center of Hope ®
"A Nonprofit Photography Organization for Veterans"
1711 Stockton Hill Road, Suite B
Kingman, Arizona 86401
email: [email protected]
Website: journeytothecenterofhope.com